However, players will need to level up to 50 before they can head to the Shadowlands. Shadowlands will also introduce a new leveling system, which will give you a sense of advancement every time you complete a level. Even the undead will have the option to show bones or not. On top of that, the game will also have new character customization, which allows for each playable race to have unique options available to them-tattoos, hairstyles, and even eye color. There are four covenants in the game: the steadfast Kyrian of Bastion, the mysterious Night Fae of Ardenweald, the cunning Venthyr of Revendreth, and the warlike Necrolords of Maldraxxus. Here, players can claim a covenant’s power by forging with one of them. More than a new world, the expansion pack also adds a new covenant campaign, which is a high-end storyline similar to that of the War Campaign in the Battle for Azeroth. The colors are also far less saturated than that of Azeroth, effectively selling the idea that you are in the underworld. From the soaring, angular spires of the city of Oribos to the dreamlike fields of Bastions, everything in the game shows an otherworldly architecture. However, Blizzard will take you into a completely different world with the various afterlives of the Shadowlands. Long-time WoW players have already seen the destroyed orc homeworld in Outland and even the terrifying Burning Legion base of operations on Argus. World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is not the first expansion pack that brings players outside Azeroth. As one of Azeroth’s champions, it is up to you to defeat Sylvanas and close the barrier between Azeroth and the world of the departed. In the game, Sylvanas Windrunner has returned, breaking the barrier between Azeroth and the Shadowlands.

This game will take players into the eponymous region of the Shadowlands-the resting place for every mortal soul that has lived. World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is the eighth expansion pack for the long-running, popular massively multiplayer online RPG, World of Warcraft. Softonic review A new expansion pack for WoW