But overall the graphics (especially the environments) are stunning and easy to look at.

Some parts look choppy, unfinished, or just plain silly. The animations and graphics aren’t super polished.

A little online research showed me a 6/10 rating from Steam. The graphics are appealing, the HUD (heads-up display) is simple and clean, the story is unique and interesting, there’s decent voice acting, the gameplay adds a good amount of action to an MMO, and most recently I was impressed with the background music on a mission that reminded me of 8-bit era techno. The creators seem to have struck an excellent balance with just about every aspect. It’s been a little over 3 hours and I’m still impressed by every new thing I learn about this game. Without further ado, I fired it up and got started. After going for a walk and returning home, I was pleased to see the download had already finished, which seemed awfully fast. I clicked through, and seeing that it was a free-to-play MMO I figured it would be worth downloading and giving a shot. The short video didn’t overly impress me, but it did intrigue me. After starting the FFXIV download, I went back to check it out. As I usually do, I quickly scrolled away to find was I was looking for, ignoring the marketing ploy, but something about the image intrigued me. I actually went to PSN (the PlayStation Network) to download Final Fantasy XIV when I saw Skyforge in the “featured” section. While trying out the free week of ESO (Elder Scrolls Online), I unfortunately found myself getting bored with it after a few evenings. This game is exactly the kind of thing I needed to get started. I’ve been wanting to start this blog for a few weeks now, and actually began a similar project some years ago but never followed through with it. I’m currently tearing myself away from Skyforge just long enough to write my first real entry on this blog.